No Room In The Inn
A conservatory can be used for a range
of purposes but perhaps the most
popular ones (at least from a Foxfurd point of view) involve creating extra
dining or living space – either by extending an existing area or starting from
scratch and dedicating the whole new extension to that one, new, chosen purpose.
As families grow, so does the need for extra rooms or just some more space and
with Christmas being very much a family time, homes are usually overflowing
with grandparents, grandchildren, aunties, uncles and friends too. You just
know that next year, Christmas will either have to be at someone else’s place
or you need to do something drastic in your home to get them all in!
Not Just For Christmas!
What is your greatest need - not just in the holidays but all year
around? Do you love to host dinner parties and show off of your latest culinary
masterpieces? Then perhaps a new spacious dining area will suit your purposes
best – giving you a chance to finally unfold the extra sections of your
beautiful dining table, which until now have remained hidden because their
simply wasn’t enough room. What a treat it will be during the festive season
too – when everyone can dine around the same table rather than having the kids
eating off their lap or having to set up a smaller table in another room to
cope with the overflow of people.
If it’s more about having space for the grandchildren to play in, while
all the adults watch on and enjoy tea and coffee, then an extended or
completely new living room might be the way to go. Choose your size
and style, factoring in all of your requirements, knowing that next time the
family gathering is at your place, everyone can exist in the same room in
relative harmony! What a blessing the extra space will be at Christmas as the
kids frantically unwrap all of their gifts, wrapping paper strewn hither and
thither, spaceships swooping low over mum and dad’s heads and board games
opened and discarded in every corner of the room!
Planning for the Holidays with Foxfurd
Most successful family Christmases require a degree of planning and
building a high quality conservatory is no different. However, with Foxfurd’s help,each stage of planning and design can be
pain and stress free as members of the expert team will guide
you through each aspect of the process – being as “hands on” or as “hands off”
as you wish. You may also need actual planning permission in order to
construct your new extension (at the very least you will need
to check to see if you need permission or not.) Again, if this is something you
are not sure about, Foxfurd can help you in this regard too.
So, if you are planning your dream conservatory this Christmas, even if
it’s not for this year – please contact us for more information or visit our
website for exciting ideas.